Journalist Laughs Off Spygate as Evidence Mounts

Spygate will never be proven, never ever, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The perpetrators of the greatest American abuse of power since J. Edgar Hoover were not aware of how far off the rails they went and many are honestly still unaware today. How is this possible? Although Spygate is real we must understand  that there was no secret meeting in a hidden cave where Comey and Clapper and Brennan concocted a plan to take down Trump. Instead we had people with critically impaired judgement believing they were running a legitimate operation.

There are no specific laws governing when the FBI can send informants into a campaign, or when they can initiate sting operations, or when they can levy surveillance on Americans. A law can’t cover every possible situation. Instead we have various criteria and checks that are always a version of determining what is “probable cause.” In other words, it is always a judgement call.


Professionals in the department of Justice surely have unparalleled judgement. Surely.

Maybe you believe that what has become known as ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ (TDS) is a silly thing that Trump loyalists ascribe to people they disagree with. It isn’t, and it clouds the judgment to the tenth degree.  Let’s talk about the syndrome.

A Nobel winning economist, named Paul Krugamn,  said the economy would collapse and never recover once Trump was elected. A ridiculous statement for even a first year undergrad. Thousands of psychiatrists have publicly  pronounced Trump mentally incapacitated without  examining their virtual patient, which violates a major tenant of their profession. They literally diagnosed a paitent based on MSNBC coverage. Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates felt that General Flynn was a blackmail risk to the White House because he lied, as if he was the first person to lie in Washington D.C.

Economist and Nobel Prize Recipient

It is clear to many that TDS can affect anyone, educated or not. But why would anyone assume that the heralded heads of our intelligence community suffer from this malady? Glad you asked, before ever meeting the POTUS, the FBI director, James Comey, expressed his concern about Trump, “I feel great pressure to stay to try and protect the institution I lead.” And James Clapper, former DNI, told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he thought Trump was a threat to democracy, this was affirmed by General Hayden the very next day. Below is a newly released excerpt of a high level  FBI agent’s opinion of Trump supporters.

Deplorable, that’s what you are!

It is clear the people running our country’s intelligence agencies were either extremely biased or clinically deranged against Trump. Sadly, this bias was solely based on what they saw on television. This is our elite intelligence community.

Next we must accept the fact that the FBI was investigating  Trump and his campaign. This is not contested. Anytime a presidential candidate is under investigation by an FBI subordinate to the opposition party, there is reason for skepticism in even the most pristine circumstance. This is true from 1789 until the republic ends.

So we have clear evidence that the leaders of our intelligence community, who have un-tethered power, didn’t like candidate Trump. (Read all their newly released books for corroboration) We also know that many educated people carrying  extreme bias towards Trump have deluded  judgement. And we also know that some of these people have initiated or ok’d investigations into Trump. The next step is to examine the investigation while giving the professional law enforcement people the benefit of the doubt.


The intelligence community’s judgement was that Carter Page was suspicious enough to have his fourth amendment rights surrendered and a Fisa Warrant issued yet he was not charged.

The same is true of George Papadopolous, the subject of a FISA warrant because he was approached by a Russian. No charge relating to the reason for the Warant.

What did three star General Michael Flynn do to permit surveillance? No one really knows. No charges of working with Russians here either.

Why were informants placed in or around the campaign? Um

Why did the FBI allegedly send an informant to entice Roger Stone and Michael Caputo to pay for dirt on Hillary?

What was the impetus to investigate the president?

Why were Manafort and Michael Cohen investigated and (will be) indicted on unrelated crimes for the sole purpose of trying to coerce them to flip on the POTUS. Was there any reason to treat Trump like Pablo Escobar?

Each one of these steps should have required a preponderance of evidence before getting the go-ahead. How could all of them been granted and all of them turn up empty?  Bad judgement.  In all of these instances the intelligence community felt there was enough there to violate the fourth amendment of US citizens and in every case there was no crime. This behavior is common in Uganda not America.


CNN Bias Permeates Every Crevice of the Network

You might imagine that when CNN does a non-news segment, you would get a break from their propaganda. In actuality, imagining is the only way to get a break from the network’s spin. Christine Romans hosts the business segments on CNN. Apparently they won’t play nicely with her at break unless she perverts her segments to knock Trump like everyone else. And she wants friends.

Most everyone in economics, on both sides of the political aisle, understands that when the economy is strong the Fed can raise interest rates. Low interest rates are an economic stimuli and the Fed can’t keep a stimulus running forever. Janet Yellen was able to begin raising interest rates under Obama and hopes to continue under Trump. But how does CNN portray the upcoming hikes?

Money Without Trump Honey

Is she serious? Her graphic includes every negative aspect of “what a fed rate hike means to you.” She highlights all the ways higher interest rates can hurt an individual via higher payments on credit card, auto and home loans. How about the ways it can help:

  • Increased interest on savings accounts & CDs
  • More earnings in 401(K) plans
  • More money in student 529 plans for college

This Lady does this type of propaganda constantly. She  twists the booming stock market story  into something only good for the rich, and don’t get me started on her tax lessons. CNN does get credit for consistency though.


The Lack of Follow-Up Reporting is a Symptom of Something Larger

Good Morning Joe!

On June 30th, MSNBC morning show hosts, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, alleged that they were blackmailed by the Trump administration. Joe recounted what a Trump official told him:

“…if you call the President up and you apologize for your coverage then he [Trump] will pick up the phone and basically spike the [negative National Enquirer] story. I had three people at the very top of the administration calling me…”

Extra Extra read all about it

The aftermath of this revelation was predictable, the media went into a hysterical frenzy. “Unprecedented,” “Nixonion,” “impeach,” and then the routine steps of the media’s con-job on their audience, a con that lost its potency forty performances ago. The pundits were shocked, the politicians feigned outrage and the anchors asked if democracy was dead.

However, immediately after the allegation was leveled, Joe went on to say he had proof of his claim. He had saved the damning text messages from the administration officials . The President responded by saying Joe was lying. The next logical act of this soap opera should have been Joe revealing the text messages, thereby proving both the blackmail claim and that the POTUS was the liar. It never happened. Instead, the story was forgotten in a day and not heard from since. How is an allegation of this magnitude consigned to oblivion? How dare the media let this journalist announce he is holding a royal flush and not force him to show his cards.

Congrats Scooby Doo

The past year has seen story after story blow up the news cycle and then dissipate. A story emerged about Russian money in Trump golf courses. Where is the follow-up, is it true? I remember a story about Trump Tower’s computer servers communicating with Russia. Did the FBI seize them? What about the ex-spy who put the secret dossier together, did he disappear from Earth? Is there any follow-up to last years stories alleging infighting between Bannon and Priebus and the upcoming firings? Stories are never followed up because even the people reporting them don’t believe them. They are as reliable as a friend-of-a-friend’s Facebook post. Manufactured nonsense that is easier to originate than to investigate or follow-up.

Joe knew he could tell a tall-tale to the entire media and face no consequence. He knew this because he is a performer in that circus masquerading as news. There is no responsibility attached to reporting a story anymore.


CNN Reaching New Lows

Many Americans suspected, based on incessant media reports, that Trump colluded with Russia. When the evidence showed otherwise, Trump asked the intelligence chiefs to go public with this revelation. Trump felt it was important Americans didn’t think their President was a Russian spy. Somehow CNN twisted this into something sinister. Their allegation is Trump ordered the intelligence chiefs to do something illegal or moral.

And when the intelligence chiefs testified they didn’t feel “ordered to intervene,” CNN analysts overrode what the witnesses said with their own opinions. Opinions based on… well nothing.

Another low for CNN occurred this past week.  Many of the critics of CNN caught Jim Acosta in a big screw up. He tweeted that Trump, who went to visit Rep. Scalise in the hospital, never got to see him in his hospital room. This was later corrected by Acosta and he admitted Trump did get to see him. But the lie is not the worst part:

Is Jim Acosta sick in da head?

How sick is Jim Acosta? Did he try to make the President look bad by pointing out that Trump did not get in to Scalise’s hospital room? Scalise was fighting for his life after being shot, Trump went to see him and somehow Acosta finds a negative angle to a hospital visit. Who reports this as news? The fact that it was later shown as untrue overshadows how diseased CNN has become?


CNN Disavows Journalism to Bash Gingrich

Contradiction or not?

Newt Gingrich, the former Trump advisor and former speaker of the house, has  been taking flak from CNN. His crime was two (see picture above) seemingly contradictory tweets. Mr Gingrich went from calling Robert Mueller, the man investigating Trump, a “superb choice” to labeling him unfair based on who he is bringing on his team. The punishment for this crime- repeated lambasting by every CNN anchor for a twenty-four hour period.

However, not one journalist bothered to research what Newt was talking about to see if there was a reason for his turnaround. If they did look into the hires Newt mentioned, they would have seen that Newt had a rationale for his new position. CNN never even mentioned one of these hires in their snarky reporting. Had they bothered to look into it, they would have noticed Mueller hiring a series of Clinton faithful as explained by Zerohedge here. This is not to say these people are inherently biased but it’s a valid discussion point.

Maybe twitter needs to lower the character limit of tweets from 140 so CNN can keep up.

UPDATE: Chris Cuomo did bring up the reasoning for Gingrich complaint. He did more than only pointing out the face-value inconsistency.
