Unspoken alliances often develop when two entities share a common goal and can support each other’s  effort to achieve said goal. The entertainment industry is not shy about their allegiance to the Democratic party, and although CNN anchors can’t admit their selfsame devotion, it is pretty obvious to everyone watching.

You love us? We love you too!

Athletes and actors have mutual admiration and envious relationship with each other. Actors want to play football and football players want to walk the red carpet at movie premieres. Likewise, CNN anchors dream of being mobbed by fans while comedians dream of being CNN anchors who get to tell the American people what to think.

It is no surprise that CNN anchors believe part of their job as journalists is to replay every SNL skit that lampoons the Republicans. The entertainers reciprocate by having the CNN folk appear on their shows as “celebrity guests.” The subconscious positive reinforcement is strong and is reminiscent of Pavlovian dog training. Anchors who attack Trump are rewarded with appearances on late night TV, and if late night TV attacks Trump they are rewarded by having their jokes treated as news stories by CNN. Since both sides already prostitute their profession, there is no reason not to do some favors for fellow #resistance fighters.

If CNN can’t convince you, we will.

This phenomenon has never been more evident than on modern-day Saturday Night Live. The show is not content with slap stick mockery of Republicans anymore, they are now in lock step with the Democrat’s actual message. A great example is the current midterm elections.

The Democrats and CNN want to get the message across that the migrant-caravan-story is only fear mongering by Republicans. So SNL does their duty and mocks the manner Republicans discuss the caravan as fear mongering. Then, CNN replays the SNL mockery as news to reinforce the Democratic message.

Ironically, as CNN demeans the Republican story about illegal immigration as fear mongering, they partake in the fear mongering that Democrats practice  over healthcare. Message controlled.



CNN Anchor’s Tears – Good For Discourse?

One of the startling new methods CNN has employed to fight for the Democrat’s positions is their use of anchor-tears. By this I mean, changing issues from Right Vs Left into Right Vs Wrong and then crying , gasping and wailing on air over the perceived injustices perpetrated by conservative policy. With this tactic they believe anchors can take a position on issues and still be accepted as credible journalists.

Here is how it works… Do Republicans believe that it is not the government’s place to provide health insurance or are Republicans evil people in support of babies dying? Do Republicans believe in lowering taxes or do they believe in stealing money from the poor and giving it to the rich? Do Republicans believe that we need to enforce border security or are they racists?

For every season cry cry cry!

When the problem arose regarding how children brought over the border illegally were being treated, tears emerged in horror of Trump’s position. The audience will not hear the other side of the story, because this is a “moral issue” to CNN. There is only one side to this story.

But what if we did what CNN anchors refuse to do and used our brains to think about the issue facing the children?

The media got their way. Due to an onslaught of bad press an executive order signed by Trump apparently made it illegal to separate children from their parents . However this is not good policy. It is already illegal to hold a child with the parents for 20 days. Therefore the government can’t hold the child separately, nor can they keep the child with the parents. This leaves one option, the government must release the entire family into the US. The executive order, unless it had qualified language in it, essentially gave a free-entry ticket to anyone caught crossing the border illegally – if they bring children.

What will happen to children on the other side of the border as a result of this policy will be many times worse than what the US Dept of HHS did to children. The media will not write articles or do human interest stories on the death, rape and heartless behavior that human smuggling spawns. They will certainly not discuss how this new policy will effect the savagery. It doesn’t fit the agenda.


CNN’s Weak Sourcing Is Destroying Their Credibility

Who cares what CNN sources say?

CNN has been overrun by people who align against the president. Even so, they could still maintain journalistic integrity. But in their vigor to humiliate and denigrate the President they have surrendered all standards of journalism. So we end up with  full-day coverage of Rex Tillerson contemplating leaving office without any verification. This story was refuted by Tillerson himself in under 24 hours. But was the story really based solely on:

“two sources who spoke to CNN on condition of anonymity over the weekend said they would not be surprised if there was a “Rexit” from Foggy Bottom sooner than [a year] that.”

Relax CNN, no one cares what two people wouldn’t be surprised about. This type of reporting is one step below making news up.

Other: CNN Sources article


CNN Achieves Rank of Masterclass Propaganda on Healthcare

CNN  continuously produces human interest pieces in opposition to Trump. In the daytime hour this usually entails exploiting  children. Stay-at-home mom watch CNN in the mornings and moms like kids. That appears to be CNN’s thought pattern. The two videos linked above are prime examples of how the network skillfully tries to woo moms away from Trump.

In the video below, CNN takes a person’s misfortune, and gracefully weaves her story into a story about the healthcare debate of which her tale has nothing to do with.

This mother has no idea what she is talking about in relation to the healthcare debate. Her situation would be exactly the same without Obamacare, with Obamacare or with Trumpcare. Yes, it is equally plausible that the mom is a willing participant in this farce. She totally avoided the question about the effect the [proposed Republican] bill would have on her because the answer is zero, none, nada, absolutely no effect.

Tears, kids, a desperate plea from a mom. Cheers CNN, you truly are a masterclass propagandist. And don’t think we haven’t noticed what gender host you cleverly choose to do these stories every time, you sexists.
