Unspoken alliances often develop when two entities share a common goal and can support each other’s  effort to achieve said goal. The entertainment industry is not shy about their allegiance to the Democratic party, and although CNN anchors can’t admit their selfsame devotion, it is pretty obvious to everyone watching.

You love us? We love you too!

Athletes and actors have mutual admiration and envious relationship with each other. Actors want to play football and football players want to walk the red carpet at movie premieres. Likewise, CNN anchors dream of being mobbed by fans while comedians dream of being CNN anchors who get to tell the American people what to think.

It is no surprise that CNN anchors believe part of their job as journalists is to replay every SNL skit that lampoons the Republicans. The entertainers reciprocate by having the CNN folk appear on their shows as “celebrity guests.” The subconscious positive reinforcement is strong and is reminiscent of Pavlovian dog training. Anchors who attack Trump are rewarded with appearances on late night TV, and if late night TV attacks Trump they are rewarded by having their jokes treated as news stories by CNN. Since both sides already prostitute their profession, there is no reason not to do some favors for fellow #resistance fighters.

If CNN can’t convince you, we will.

This phenomenon has never been more evident than on modern-day Saturday Night Live. The show is not content with slap stick mockery of Republicans anymore, they are now in lock step with the Democrat’s actual message. A great example is the current midterm elections.

The Democrats and CNN want to get the message across that the migrant-caravan-story is only fear mongering by Republicans. So SNL does their duty and mocks the manner Republicans discuss the caravan as fear mongering. Then, CNN replays the SNL mockery as news to reinforce the Democratic message.

Ironically, as CNN demeans the Republican story about illegal immigration as fear mongering, they partake in the fear mongering that Democrats practice  over healthcare. Message controlled.



Is the Obstruction of Justice charge as ridiculous as the collusion charge?

We will stipulate at the outset of this analysis that if Putin and Trump colluded, then Trump would be guilty of obstructing justice in addition to whatever crime “collusion” entails. However, the serious Democrats and even CNN know collusion is a fantasy so they are now betting on a Nixon-like obstruction charge sticking where collusion failed. One must note a crucial difference between Watergate and Russiagate. Nixon had an underlying crime to conceal, the break-in, whereas the Russia investigation of Trump will yield no such crime.

Working 9 to 5

We are basing the analysis herein on our assumption that Vladimir Putin does not actually have the power to pick who becomes the President of the United States. We are also assuming that Putin would not take the risk of getting caught by CIA, NSA, and FBI having open discussions where he offered to publicly leverage this imaginary power to bet on a heavy underdog in a presidential race, in exchange for… something. We will even assume that neither sitting US Senator Jeff Sessions, nor *Carter Page , nor **George Papadopoulos, engineered this fantastical plot. Furthermore, we assume the story that Donald Trump Jr took a failed meeting with a Russian claiming to have dirt on Hillary Clinton, was in fact a failed meeting with a Russian, claiming to have dirt on Hillary Clinton, and that’s all folks!


Onward; person obstructs justice when they have a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. However, a President makes decisions about what to investigate all the time. A POTUS can tell the DOJ “don’t waste staff on marijuana cases instead go after hard-core drugs,” or “round-up some white-collar crimes” or give whatever instructions he thinks are important. This is not obstruction, it’s his job. So if Trump believes there was no collusion then how can he intend to obstruct justice? This is the crucial point, believing no crime occurred precludes the element of intent. Trump clearly thinks the investigation is a hoax and a witch hunt so when he tries to hurry the investigation along, is he obstructing justice or just attempting to end the hoax? Remember, his intentions matter.

When it comes to pass that Mueller declares that there was no collusion and the investigation was a wild goose chase, will we really prosecute the lone member of our government trying to stop the monumental fraud? Will we really follow one circus with another? Was P.T. Barnum the greatest showman or was it Adam Schiff and cast of CNN?

(*) who did not feel the need to bring a lawyer to his FBI hearing

(**) a man whose girlfriend was more upset people called him “coffee boy” than worried about him being hung for treason


Did CNN Leak Their Plan To Attack Trump’s Afghanistan Policy?

Graphic courtesy of

CNN is circling their prey as they lie in wait for tonight’s unveiling of Trump’s Afghanistan strategy. The President has two distinct options: withdraw from Afghanistan or stay and continue the war. CNN will remain in a holding pattern all day and not offer any preference via anchors or pundits so they are free to attack whichever option Trump chooses.

If Trump chooses to withdraw they will attack. CNN, and the democratic strategists, have a few game plans to go with and likely will start with all of them and wait to see which sticks:

  1. Bannon influence still running the White House
  2. First US President to lose a war (surrender)
  3. Trump wasting the sacrifice of so many soldiers
  4. Flip flopping on promise to fight terrorism
  5. Not listening to generals (White House in disarray)
  6. Trump doesn’t have the stomach for war and he will look weak to our enemies

If Trump chooses to stay he will also be attacked. Once again CNN, and the democratic strategists, have a few game plans to go with and will likewise start with all of them and see which sticks:

  1. Trump letting generals run White House
  2. Trump will get soldiers killed for no reason
  3. Flip flopping on promise of a withdrawal
  4. Attack announced strategy of an unwinnable war
All Hail CNN

As we discussed earlier, the main goal of CNN is to chip away support of “the base.” So if we had to guess their favored outcome, we would go with stay in Afghanistan. CNN can then really focus on the betrayal of his base. If the network had any integrity this would be difficult for them. As avid Hillary supporters, CNN aligns strongly with the philosophy of retaining a military presence in Afghanistan, but if Trump chooses that option they have to go with their higher calling; shitting on Trump.


Why the Left Wing Media is Obsessed With Trump’s Base

Our press has an unhealthy obsession with “Trump’s base.” The obstinate 38% or 39%, that the media can’t stop talking about. The ones who still support Trump.

The Base!

There is now, and has always been, an immovable base on both the Democratic and Republican wings of the electorate. However, the media is unconcerned with the base on the left because they view them as normal reasonable people and there is no need to examine or discuss them. The world will be fine if they remain right where they are. However, the base behind Trump is a different story.

The origin of the press’ infatuation with the Trump base was the election loss of Hillary Clinton. The media believes it is their job to shape public opinion. The clip below supports this. An MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski was caught in a Freudian slip as she warned her audience about Trump: “He [Trump] could control exactly what people think, and that is our job.”

The NY Times, CNN and MSNBC spent the campaign season ripping Trump apart with innuendo and lies; racist, sexist, assault, Russian spy, unfit, narcissistic, violence inducer and homophobic. And yet Trump won and Hillary lost. They saw his win as their failure and as their sin.

The Damn Base!!

All sins need repentance and a crucial aspect of penance is a vow not to repeat the same sin again. Within the first week of the election-postmortem, the press went on a mission to understand these people who defied them and voted Trump into office. The manner in which they studied Trump voters resembled more of a recon mission of the enemy looking for weaknesses to exploit. The media needed to turn some his base to their side.

Van on the move

CNN sent correspondent Van Jones out to middle America to see what was wrong with these insubordinate fools. CNN host Alison Camerota conducted (video link) focus groups with Trump supporters. Political pundits and pollsters chastised themselves for not understanding the plight of these Trump voters. In time, the quest morphed into an angry frustrated mission. This base of voters became the silent enemy of the media. An enemy in need of conquering. A conquering that is proving difficult to achieve.

The F^@$*ing Base!!!

The warped sense of their role as mind-molders had a detrimental effect on the press. They devolved further into what we have now. A bunch of folks hell-bent on destroying Trump without any need to hinge their reporting to reality. They feel a responsibility to change the minds of Trump’s base to do the right thing and vote Trump out.

The Russia collusion story dominated the airwaves for months, the press abandoned the need for facts or actual news. The mission wasn’t to inform the public but rather to say both “Trump” and “Russia” together in the same headline to get the Trump-base to change its god-damned mind. And when that massive story didn’t dupe the Trump supporters they felt failure. In the following clip, we see CNN report on how their Russia story didn’t persuade the base.

“…not any of them [the base] willing to entertain that there might be more than just smoke to this [Russia] fire.”

The media is now constantly reporting polls to see if their propaganda is breaking the base.  It never does. So after they perform a little self-flagellation, and some mocking of Trump supporters, the feeling of ‘if at first you don’t succeed try-try again” perseveres and a new slew of stories awaits on the horizon.


CNN Achieves Rank of Masterclass Propaganda on Healthcare

CNN  continuously produces human interest pieces in opposition to Trump. In the daytime hour this usually entails exploiting  children. Stay-at-home mom watch CNN in the mornings and moms like kids. That appears to be CNN’s thought pattern. The two videos linked above are prime examples of how the network skillfully tries to woo moms away from Trump.

In the video below, CNN takes a person’s misfortune, and gracefully weaves her story into a story about the healthcare debate of which her tale has nothing to do with.

This mother has no idea what she is talking about in relation to the healthcare debate. Her situation would be exactly the same without Obamacare, with Obamacare or with Trumpcare. Yes, it is equally plausible that the mom is a willing participant in this farce. She totally avoided the question about the effect the [proposed Republican] bill would have on her because the answer is zero, none, nada, absolutely no effect.

Tears, kids, a desperate plea from a mom. Cheers CNN, you truly are a masterclass propagandist. And don’t think we haven’t noticed what gender host you cleverly choose to do these stories every time, you sexists.
