Debunking the Press Lies About Back Channel Communications

The practice  of maintaining back channel communications with adversarial nations goes back a long way, and a short way. These bridges serve as important and necessary tools of our nations diplomacy. The United States and the U.S.S.R. were on the brink of a nuclear holocaust in 1962 until cooler heads prevailed via back channels. (See photo above) If that crisis took place today with Trump as president, our media would have preferred a few hundred thousand crispy corpses.

Can I get that in twenties?

President Obama’s administration negotiated the timing of a four hundred million dollar cash payment to Iran, in exchange for American  prisoners. The deal was entirely concocted via a back channel. Iran does not have diplomatic relations with the U.S. and like most adversaries requires these alternate means of communiqué.

The generic response to this rebuttal of the back-channel-scandal, entails  acquiescence  to the need for communications such as these but an unwillingness to stretch that need to cover an incumbent President. This is not the original thesis of the critique but it is a more credible criticism. Unfortunately, it’s based on speculation. All agree there can only be one President at a time and only one policy. However, nothing indicates that Kushner violated this doctrine. No evidence exists to suggest he engaged in any direct negotiations or policy discussion with the Russians. It is plausible that the Trump team was establishing a relationship to deal with Syria and other pressing matters in preparation for when they took office.

Headlines of Lies

The tragedy once again lies within our press corp that is oozing Trump-hate from their pores. Their continuing mission is to fool the public, on a daily basis, into believing something unprecedented is happening under this President. The reporters wrote these headlines with full knowledge of how back channels work. In fact, buried many paragraphs into the propaganda, the authors of the fairy tale inspired articles admit the truth about how communications with adversaries are conducted. But the goal is to hoodwink the public, and a headline is clearly enough to get the fake narrative across.




Diplomacy Akin To Spying Per CNN

In connection with the Trump-Russia con-job on the American people, CNN may have lost its mind. Leaving all sanity behind, a CNN reporter proclaims that Russian diplomats conversing with Americans and then reporting back to Russia (AKA their job) is “Spying.”


Really, 17 Intelligence Agencies Linked the Hack to Russia?

CNN, Hillary, the DNC and the entire band of usual suspects loved that fact. And how could anyone with any sense argue the fact? CNN laughed off Trump supporters who disputed the fact.

Uncovering a politician telling a lie is no great feat. So if the esteemed  seventeen agencies were actually just the big three, so what. I mean, this was  just an exaggeration and not an earth-shattering lie. Anyway, it wasn’t like Trump said it, so no biggie.

But how is it that not one reporter investigating this all-important Russia story noticed that fourteen of the seventeen agencies that concluded their investigation had absolutely zero information, comments or statements on the subject. The claim could have been dis-proven by asking one question of the hundreds (or thousands) of people at the fourteen “other” agencies. You would think there’d be a question, maybe even two for those agencies, especially considering how often this fact was quoted on CNN and MSNBC.


What Jimmy Kimmel Did Was Wrong

Jimmy Kimmel seems like a really nice guy and compared to many other people working the late night circuit, he seems to have a high degree of integrity. On May 1st, Mr. Kimmel went public with the story of his newborn son who was born with a heart defect that was surgically repaired. His son’s prognosis thankfully looks great. But during Kimmel’s emotional monologue detailing the ordeal he took a turn into politics, while trying to sound apolitical. His motives were pure but his actions were not.

…before 2014 if you were born with congenital heart disease like my son was, there was a good chance you’d never be able to get health insurance…

…if your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make…

…don’t let their partisan squabbles divide us on something every decent person wants…

This sounds reasonable, but is it? Mr. Kimmel unintentionally employed an age-old trick used by seasoned politicians. This maneuver is not different from the countless times Donald Trump showcases families of people with loved-ones murdered by illegal immigrants to make his point on illegal immigration. These arguments are hard to oppose because they rely on emotion overtaking logic. We should all be wary of any issue portrayed in this way. It is rare to have a nationwide argument, with one side angelic and the other side monstrous, it’s never that simple.

These matters are more complex. There is a valid argument that the United States of America should adopt universal government-provided healthcare, but that is not the issue at hand. Obamacare does not guarantee everyone health care.

Understanding  folks

So… Jimmy created an argument where his side is  demanding all Americans receive medical care and the other side only offers care to rich people. This was not unlike how Meryl Streep argued against kicking every person, born outside America, out of the county. Both celebrities are fighting fights that are not based in reality. The two of them made up imaginary arguments in lieu of the complicated arguments we actually have.

If we keep Obamacare, premiums will rise, and more young healthy people will be unable to afford their insurance payments. Some of these young-ins will drop out of coverage while the sick remain in the insurance pool. This will lead to insurance companies profits dropping and in turn, will cause premiums to rise yet again. Then more healthy people drop coverage. And so it goes. Most experts do not deny this is where we are heading. This cycle was labeled the “death spiral,” and it is the rationale that stands against Kimmel’s Obamacare endorsement.

Protesting Works

Now, anyone can also pull on our heart-strings to explain this half of the debate.. like so; with rising premiums the family of five in Iowa, making fifty thousand dollars a year, can no longer afford insurance and when their baby gets sick and they don’t go to the doctor, their baby dies; so we must end Obamacare.

If we lived in an age where we had journalism, the public would hear both sides and form an opinion. We don’t, today, all you will hear on CNN is that Trump wants 24 million people to lose insurance so you should go join a protest. The main-stream-media  presents only one side of the issue to their audience and so did Mr. Kimmel.

So please, let’s pray for Jimmy’s baby but not ignore what problems we have in this country with our health system. We need to solve these problems and carrying anti-Trump signs does not solve them.

The full video of Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue is here.



Is CNN Left Wing Enough?

In an age where reverence of network news is at an all-time low, the level of introspection at these networks is even lower.

Recently; Vox, an even more left leaning outlet than CNN, ridiculed some aspects of how CNN covers news. Vox made some valid points about how CNN dramatizes the news in a manner which seemingly mimics sports coverage, (albeit a behavior true of all news networks.) And then they went on to criticize CNN, I kid you not,  for inviting people who support Trump onto their network to speak. (Video below) You see, in their warped mindset, the liberal-anti-Trump perspective  is so very right and the Trump perspective is so very wrong on each and every issue, that CNN permitting someone on air to expound on the wrong side of the debate is downright television treason.

Video courtesy of Vox

Vox would prefer to hear just one side of a debate, their side. It is worth noting that an overwhelming majority of the anchors, correspondents, and paid analysts on CNN are anti-Trump. A typical panel, as seen in this website’s  last post, is outrageously one-sided.

Putting the left in left wing

The ironic reality that Vox couldn’t comprehend is that CNN brings lone Trump supporters on air to serve as punching bags for gangs of folks supporting the liberal Trump-hating side of every story. The daily routine CNN employs, entails lining up full panels of pundits, along with anchors serving as ringleaders, to laugh at the solitary Trump supporters and cheer their like-minded compadres who mock and deride anything these Trump whipping boys and girls say. If we distill the Vox vs CNN conflict down to the core, it’s two divergent philosophical positions on how best to manipulate an audience. Does the network show the audience only their favored side of the story, or does the network systematically rip apart the other side of the story with sheer numbers of one-sided punditry and good old-fashioned bullying? Thomas Jefferson would be proud either way.

Now for the saddest part. Whose criticism will CNN listen to? The entire right side of the American public begging for fair coverage or the minuscule fringe left, like Vox,  that is too liberal for even CNN? I’ll give you a hint, throw reason and logic out the door.
