Hate Crimes Against Disabled Down 100% in NYC

NYPD officials announced on March 1st that the number of hate crimes reported which targeted the disabled plummeted by a staggering 100% this year compared to the same period a year ago. This was an unexpected revelation  as one of the many themes of the Clinton campaign was reliving the despicable  Donald Trump mocking a disabled reporter. It is also noteworthy  that Asian hate crimes are likewise (67%) lower, however Trump never openly hated on the Asians. Hate crimes victimizing Muslims frighteningly rose 50% from two crimes last year to three crimes this year.

Honesty demands we mention that since Trump’s unbridled hatred of Muslims was so apparent, many experts expected hate crimes against Muslims to have risen to four or even five crimes by this point in time. The dramatic rise in anti-Semitic crimes may be related to one perpetrator making robo-calls to many Jewish Centers and each call being counted as a separate incident. No one was available to answer this question so we must blame Trump and his ties to Russia and the alt-right.


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